Framing & Contour - Shape Your Advertisement

You don't really think about it but every advertising piece has a shape. The items presented have an outline they follow and it's all within a frame. The contour and the frame have different design qualities for the advertisement.

Framing is pretty straight forward. The advertisement is usually within a square or rectangle that can vary in size. Other shapes for the frame aren't seen as frequently. Having a border can enhance the advertisement but making it bolder and more noticeable. Clean cut edges are also popular to include.

Contours are nearly invisible. It is the arrangement of objects on an invisible line. You can see the arrangement but the underlying principle isn't seen right away. There can be one line or multiple guiding lines of different shapes. The main idea is to guide the gaze of the customer to the more important aspects of the piece.

Bolding is creating darker shading around important areas of the advertisement. This technique also uses aspects of framing and contour lines. The only difference is the use of colour shading to create a shape. This is similar to the concept of chiaroscuro used in paintings and drawings.

For all your artful advertisements you need the right media to display them. LEDlight boxes are the newest innovative advertising technology available. They come in several models including fabric display light boxes, acrylic display light boxes, slim profile light boxes and more. These light boxes provide clarity in advertising.
