The Allure Of Yellow - Why This Colour Makes Us Happy

Yellow is an amazing colour. It's bright, attracts attention and has psychological associations with happiness. There are many reasons for this association. Most of the answers are seen in nature.

The biggest item we classify as yellow is the sun. It dominates our days and we feel strange without it. The sun is part of energy we rely on for harvests, drying laundry and other useful techniques.

Yellow is a mood lifter. Again it is because of its association with the sun. Many people are affected by "Seasonal Affective Disorder". This is namely a depression  that happens in the winter months when there is not a lot of sunlight. Light also affects our biochemistry and makes us alert.

Yellow is associated with electricity. This again is associated with high energy and recharging. In cartoons, if a character has electrical powers it is usually coloured yellows such as in Pokemon.

Since yellows is associated with alertness it is often used on emergency signs. It easily captures our attention so a warning gets across. It's part of safety labels since yellow is one of the first colours we notice in our environment.

No matter what colours you use in an advertisement it still needs to maintain its vibrance. LED light boxes are number one in advertising technology for a reason. Acrylic displays are great at capturing and maintaining colours. LED lights allows the display to show off its bright colours with clarity and brilliance.
